Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!



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Raising Up For God's Glory 

You can help the annual Holy Spirit Catholic Church Oktoberfest be a tremendous success! Purchase a sponsorship today!


Sponsorship Levels:


Rhine - $500 Entitles sponsor to 2 event reservations, recognition in the event program and on the website.


Saxony - $1000 Entitles sponsor to 4 event reservations, recognition in event program and on the website.


Bavaria- $2,000 Entitles sponsor 8 event reservations, 1/2 page black and white ad, recognition in event program and on the website.


Producer- $5,000 Entitles sponsor 12 event reservations, 1/2 page black and white ad in event program, recognition in event program and on the website.


Director- $10,000 Entitles sponsor 16 event reservations, full page black and white ad in event program, recognition in event program and on the website, recognition on event signage and in pre-event publicity.


Presenting- $20,000 Entitles sponsor 24 event reservations, full page black and white ad in event program, recognition in event program and on the website, recognition on event signage and in pre-event publicity.


If you do not yet know the names and cell phone numbers of each guest you are inviting, you can enter your own name and cell phone number on each ticket. You will receive a receipt by email with a LINK that allows you to enter your guests’ names and cell phone numbers at a later date.


For more information, contact Mary Nelson at 405-921-7287



Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenter (24 included) $0.00

Director (16 included) $0.00

Producer (16 included) $0.00

Bavaria (8 included) $0.00

Saxony (4 included) $0.00

Rhine (2 included) $0.00
Registration opens: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Registration closes: Saturday, September 28, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Holy Spirit Catholic Church - Mustang to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Octoberfest 2024. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!

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